
Welcome to our extracurricular proposal!
At Apatzeo, we are dedicated to cultivating not only academic excellence, but especially the integral formation of happy children. Our extracurricular courses and workshops offer participants the opportunity to discover their passions, develop new skills and promote an experience that prioritizes the joy and well-being of children.

Courses and Workshops by Category

Art and Creativity

Digital Art and Design

Learn the fundamentals of digital art using modern tools and creative techniques.

Art Exploration for Children

Encourages creativity in children through artistic projects and playful activities.

Photography and Image Editing

Discover the basics of photography and how to improve your images with editing tools.

Interactive Storytelling for Children

Develops narrative and creative skills through interactive and participatory storytelling.

Music and Movement for Children

Introduces basic musical concepts through games and movement activities.

Music Production

Basic Concepts: Explore the fundamental principles of music production and sound creation.

Science and Technology

Web Development

Basic Concepts: Introduction to the essential principles of web development and creation of simple sites.

Introduction to Python Coding

Discover the basics of programming using the Python language.

Game Development

Introduction: Get started in the design and development of video games and learn the key concepts.

Environmental Science and Sustainability

Explore environmental issues and sustainable practices for a greener future.

Educational Exploration in Minecraft

Learn by playing and solve problems with creativity.

Basic Programming in Minecraft

Dive into virtual creation and start your adventure as a developer.

3D Printing

Basics: Learn the basics of 3D printing technology and create simple models.

Robotics for Children

Introduction: Introduction to the basic concepts of robotics through simple projects.

Home Science Experiments

Perform safe and exciting science experiments with common materials.

STEAM Challenges for Middle School Students

Tackle STEAM challenges that promote problem solving and teamwork.

Languages and Culture


Immersion Learning: Immerse yourself in language learning in a fun and practical way.

Spanish Language Adventure

Discover Spanish through interactive adventures and immersive lessons.

Exploring World Cultures

Travel virtually to explore and understand diverse cultures from around the world.

Literature and Writing

Creative Writing Workshop

Develop your creativity and expression through different literary genres.

Children's Book Club

Encourages a love of reading by discussing age-appropriate books.

Creative Writing for High School Students

Refine your writing skills by exploring different literary styles.

Mathematics and Logic

Math Adventures for Elementary School Students

Makes mathematics exciting and engaging for younger students.

Puzzles and Mathematical Games

Reinforces mathematical concepts through puzzles and interactive games.

Health and Wellness

Mental Wellness and Stress Reduction

Practice mindfulness techniques to reduce stress and improve mental well-being.

Fitness and Wellness at Home

Design an exercise program to stay active and healthy at home.

Healthy Habits for Children

Teaches children the importance of healthy habits and a balanced lifestyle.

Business and Entrepreneurship

Digital Marketing

Fundamentals: Learn the basics of digital marketing strategies and online presence.

Entrepreneurship and Business Fundamentals

Introduction to the key principles of entrepreneurship and business management.

Personal Development

Introduction to Psychology

Explores the basic concepts of psychology and human behavior.

Digital Citizenship for Preteens

Learn how to be a responsible and safe digital citizen online.

Character Education Workshops

Develops positive character traits such as respect and empathy.

General Studies

Virtual Tours

Travel virtually to museums and historical sites to enrich your learning.

Time Management and Study Skills

Improve your organizational and study skills for optimal academic performance.
At Apatzeo, we believe in fostering a comprehensive educational experience that goes beyond conventional study. Enroll your children in our extracurricular courses and workshops to discover new passions, develop valuable skills, and create lasting friendships. Enrich their journey through life with us.

Registration and Information

To enroll your children or request more information, please contact us using any of the contact buttons or by filling out the attached form:

554 925 0921

554 925 0921


    All courses and workshops are online.
    Yes, our courses are live, your child interacts with his instructor and classmates in real time.

    Any child with internet access can register. It is not necessary to be in Mexico or to be registered in Apatzeo to participate in the courses.

    No, it is not necessary to be registered in Apatzeo to participate in the courses.

    Monthly payments are made online. Our system accepts credit and debit cards.

    Every family has different needs. In Apatzeo we have created a wide variety of supports:

    • Scholarship Programs
    • Payment facilities
    • Early payment discounts (semi-annual)
    • Discounts for two or more registered siblings
    • Group discounts
    • Referral discounts

    For more information or to apply for financial support, please contact us.